Hello Family and Friends! Okay first things first.... I GOT
So as for the title... Yeah this week it becomes official that I
will be home like really soon. I had 2 dreams in a row about it. Like I have
had dreams about home before but this time there was 2 in a row. One where I
came home and I flashed back into the past and just looked at how much my
parents did for me and how much I wanted to tell them I am sorry for not being
a better son, and telling them how much I love them. The second one was
more typical where I am at home and I am talking to my family one by one,
but it's been weird...
I'll be honest I am excited to see my family again, I can't
wait until that day that I get to hug my mom, It can't come any faster. However
at the same time the closer this is getting I am getting progressively
sadder and sadder and sadder. I don't want to go home, I do because I want to
see my family, but I don't. It's really mixed right now. But I love Ghana
so much. / Anyways this is home for me ,and I love these people and the culture so
much. I love being a missionary here, and I love being here every day with such
incredible people with such incredible faith, love, and compassion.
So with that being said, it's my time to just focus on the work
and continue on. We are at 99 B.O.M. 1 more to reach 100 for the group
but I want to give out another 30 more, so hopefully we can do that. I love
this gospel so much, I know that we are in the Lord's True church today. And I
know that Jesus Christ loves you, and wants the best for you, Turn to him and
he will help you, he is your advocate, your brother, your savior. I am grateful
for him and for the message that we get to share about him each and every
single day. I love you all, have a great week!
Elder Harward
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