Family and Friends!
Well can you believe it? This is the last email from Ghana that
you guys will receive from me. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL!
This last week was pretty nice. We gave out a total of
B.O.Ms........ 152! Yay!! I wanted to push myself from the 100 and do more and
we did it with that and I am so grateful for sharing the Book of Mormon it
really helped me to testify of it more. Other than that we have been seeing
some few members and Investigators. We even got to eat some Cake! I was
surprised to see this stand and they wanted us to buy so they lowered the price
for us. IT WAS SO GOOD! Although after I ate it I wasn't feeling super hot
haha. My body is not used to Sugar right now, but I am sure I will get there
haha. I also got to instruct on Tuesday and I guess I am Instructing again this
last Tuesday (In front of the whole zone) so I will tell you guys about it on
Sunday. I have been saying some goodbyes this past week and it's been hard.
I'll be honest I never thought I would be this sad to go home.
When I first came on my mission I looked so forward to this day, but now being
here has brought it into new perspective. I love Ghana so much. I love it all.
The people, The land, The culture, even the food. FuFu for life haha! This has
been the best 2 years of my life. I know that Missionary Work will need to
still continue, and that there is some other person needed here in Ghana, and
they need to be here over me at this time. But what I know now is that my
mission experience was not meant to be a one time moment, because now it's my
job to continue to apply the things that I learned on my mission, throughout
the rest of my life. I need to always do my Heavenly Father's will. I will
never forget all of the amazing people here and all that I have learned. I hope
to always continue to increase my love and my discipleship each and ever single
As Jesus Christ himself said in Doctrine and Covenants Section 1
verse 30 "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole
earth, with which I, the Lord am well pleased." I know that this is Truly
this is the Lords True Church, and I know with all of my heart that Joseph
Smith Truly was A Prophet of God and he did see our Heavenly Father and Jesus
Christ. Because of that moment we now have all the saving Ordinances to help us
Return to our Heavenly Father, and become as he is.
I am so grateful for this knowledge, and I hope to always continue
be a true Disciple of Jesus Christ.
I will see you all on SUNDAY! :)
Elder Harward
I just found your blog - my son leaves for Cape Coast on September 7. Would you ever consider communicating with him so that he has a better idea of what to expect upon his arrival in Ghana? He was born and raised in China (we are American) so he isn't too worried about culture shock or anything like that. He would simply love to communicate with someone with your recent experience. If you wouldn't mind, we would love to hear from you.....Edison Butters is his name. eddybutters@gmail.com Thank you and congratulations on a mission well served.