Hello Family and Friends!
It is so good to be writing to you all again, and I enjoy hearing from you all every week; thank you so much! Okay so this week was really good! So last Monday after Elder Day and I emailed, we walked to this watch shop to get his watch fixed and across the street these two prechers were going at it trying to Bible bash each other. They both had speakers and microphones and it was really intresting to see haha, although I had no idea what they were saying. On Tuesday all of the Zone met together to talk about MLC (Mission Leadership Conference) Report. I was really glad that I got some lined paper because I took 2 pages of notes. There were a lot of things for me to remember and work on so I was really grateful for that. :) On Thursday Elder Day hit his one year mark and that was really cool to witness that. He is a great guy, and that night we met a young woman named Stella. She is part of the Atta Family who is in our ward and her whole family are members except for her (I'm not sure why) so we are going to start teaching her tonight with her family for family home evening and commit her to be baptized at the end of this transfer (September 12th) so hopefully all will go well with that!
On Thursday night I was with Elder Bennion and I took the lead in our area. Haha I was pretty nervous because I never did that before, but it was really good and we were able to get some good lessons in, as well as Sister Martha's Baptsimal Interview and guess what.... SHE PASSED! We knew she would because she is very smart and has been coming to church for a long time now, but the other elder's just thought she was a member until we got here and she is just amazing. So Saturday rolled around and we had Sister Martha's Baptism! It was really great and a many members came to support her. The spirit was really strong, and I am so happy for her and for the commitment she has made to follow Jesus Christ.
On Sunday Sister Martha was confirmed a member of the church and recieved the holy ghost. Guess who got to confirm her? I did! Haha I was super nervous but my companion said it was good and it went well. I am so happy that It did because she is an awesome young woman, and I truly hope the best for as she continues to endure to the end. After Church on Sunday we went to the Acquah Family's house to visit them (And to see Brother Acquah because he wasn't at church again) but Elder Day and I were thinking, "Man we are hungry, we hope they feeed us" (because we didn't eat a huge breakfast) and they did. We had FuFu and it was good: groundnut and spinach with fish! So funny thing happnend next was that Sister Vivian (A Lady in our ward) was having a birthday party that day so she invited us to come, and she actually called us right before we started eating at the Acquah's. So after we left the Acquah's we went over there. And guess what? She made us FuFu because she asked us what we like and we said FuFu. We were full from the acquah\s house so we just shoved it in. I'm getting better at the whole just swallowing thing, but I'm not to good at just cutting it. Then we had some pancakes (They make panckaes in oil) and got this ginger drink! After Sister Vivan's Birthday Party we headed to the Atta Family's house to meet with Sister Stellas. Once there Sister Atta asked us to come sit down and we said okay, and she then asked us "Do you like soup" and we said of course we do, not thinking we were going to eat again but she comes out with a Bowl of Soup with Fish in it, and me and Elder Day are just SO full, but we somehow manged it. Funny thing afterwards was that she asked us if we wanted Fante Kan Kae and we were like "No, haha we are all good" because we were so full. So in one Day we got 3 FM's (Free Meals) Back to Back. IT was intense, and Elder Day took a picture on his camera with our faces and it's pretty funny.
As for myself, I am doing pretty well. But This week was really hard for me mentally. I had a doubts keep coming up, and it has really been hard for me to shake them. However I have really great companion who really helped me out this week, and gave me some great advice. There are two options in life whether we keep going and press on, or give up. that just really hit me this week, and as for myself I am not going to give up. That's just it. I really just love Preach My Gospel on Christlike attributes on Faith in Jesus Christ. It has just given me some new insight, and it makes me really think of how can we do Heavnely Father's will. The savior did the ultimate sacrfice and he didn't want to but becauuse he loved his HEavenly Father and us SO much he did the will of the father and because of that we have the greatest opportunity to return to our HEavenly Father. For me personally it has been hard this week but as I follow his will and continue serving I will be the man that Heavenly Father wants me to be, because he knows better and as I rely upon him and his will (even if I don't understand why) I will becoming who he wants me to be. Anyway just a thought I was having this week. I love you all, and I hope you are all doing well. Stay strong, and I will talk to you all next week!
Elder Harward